Friday, April 8, 2011

Harmful Effects of Ionising Radiation

An individual working with a source of radiation should be familiar with radiation hazards. When ionizing radiation enters the body tissue, it produces ionisation and cause teh chemical dissociation of the tissue molecules. When chemical dissociation takes place in vital components of the body cell, it may be destroyed by the destruction of DNA chain due to unwanted radiation. The cell production rate may be increased and malignant tumor may be formed. Exposure to ionising radiation can produce several effects in an individual depending on:

The type and amount of radiation producing the exposure.
The amount of body that is exposed.
The general helath of the exposed individual.
The quality of medical care available in the event of a relatively high exposure.

The effects of radiation can be divided into following two types:
  1.  Stochastic(long term or delayed ) radiation effect
  2.  Non Stochastic ( Short term or immediate or acute) radiation effect


These are effects which show a random process ie. they can occur at any dose level. The probabililty of the effect occuring is dose dependent. The higher the dose the greater the probability. Stochastic effects are cancer and genetic effects. Of these most important is cancer.

Delayed effects in addition to cancer induction include teratogenesis ( the induction of birth effects by irradiation of foetus). and mutagenesis(the induction of genetic disorders in future generation by irradiation of germ cells). Data on stochastic effects are limited. The most important set of data from the surviors of the atom bo b explosion in Japan at Hirosima and Nagasaki. Cancer birth defects and genetic mutaions all occur naturally at relatively high rates in human population ad identifying an increase in these rates caused by exposure. Too small amoounts of ionising radiation is subject to considerably uncertain.


The short term effecrts of radiation are associated with the levels of radiation far above those received by persons working in modern radiation facility. Hair loss, skin burns, sterility etc are the examples of deterministic effects. These effects are a result of loss of functional cells, in tisures or organs ie. cell killing. The body may loose its ability to combat infection. Following an absorbed dose of seeral gray diarrhoea, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration adn other gastointestinal effecrts may appear within a few days as a seequence of cell damage.
 Moreover there are some of the serious health harzard caused by heavy exposure to ionising radiations. These are discussed below:

Genetic mutation
When the gene in the DNA chain of a cell is distorted or changed, the same effect is reproduced in the subsequent divisions of the cell. If the affected gene belongs to a cell taking part in reproduction, the progeny(offspring) may show some mental or physical disabilities. The harmful genetic mutatioin get transmitted to the future generation.

When there is uncontrolled multiplication of cells whose genes are damaged, a tumor may be formed in any part of the body.

It is caused when the number of white blood cells in the blood becomes low. This reduces the resistance of the body prone to infections.

Bone Nerosis
It results when the bone marrow is damaged bye the radiations. The bone marrow is responsible for productng red blood cells int he body.

It results when there is severe radiaton which damage the gonads.

With this,the hair start to fall off which is caused by heavy exposure to radiation, vomiting, fever,  diarrhoea, headache, radiation sickness may result on early effect.

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